Datatech UK’s reseller package specialises is bring high commission earnings to individuals and business alike. We offer a very high percentage package based on the overall profit margin from customers introduced. This is one of the best ways to achieve a residual income that you would expect from the industry.
What is Residual income?
To put it as simply as possible, do it once and get paid many times over, month after month for as long as that customer stays with us.
Individuals, sole traders etc can earn high commissions based on all the customers that are introduced to Datatech UK, receiving that residual income month after month can be highly rewarding and beneficial, especially in these uncertain times.
Business’s can earn from this programme too! Take an Account as an example; they are introduced to many businesses, both small and large, all of these businesses will require one of our services, and then get paid for it.
What better introduction can you get to promote services that you could be financially rewarded for, for doing very little?
So, this is how you’re rewarded.
As a BT wholesale company, the package we offer is based purely on the profit made on the customers you introduce. The main products that a residual income will come from are
Line Rental, Call Traffic and Broadband, you as a reseller can achieve a 60% share of the monthly profit on all of your customers combined.
It doesn’t stop there, you can achieve high, one off bonuses for introducing us to companies that require, IT Equipment and Installations, Maintenance Contracts, Telephone Systems and any other service found on the main website.
We are not done yet, if you introduce a customer for one service, no matter what it is, you will automatically earn a commission on any additional services they request, and how does 20% of the profit grab you!
Sorry, I still haven’t finished. If you reach any of the specified targets that we email out we arrange fun days out as a big thank you.
We recognise that you are important to us and will be rewarded accordingly….