IT Solutions - Converged Technologies

For many years the computer and communications industries have been talking about technological convergence. By this they mean running voice, data, and video communications on one single platform and over the same cables.  However, this goal was elusive.

With Datatech UK, convergence is a reality.

Using ground breaking software from Microsoft, and with reliable and stable computer hardware platforms from leading vendors, you can now enjoy all the benefits that this convergence will provide.

So you can run your voice, data, and video communications over one cable infrastructure, providing you with a single platform, whether your requirement is LAN, or multi site WAN based.

Such converged solutions offer you considerable long term savings. Up until now voice and data communications needed to be managed via technology specific interfaces and separate technical teams.

Convergence will also provide far greater flexibility; allowing personnel to easily and seamlessly move from one location to another within an office, or off-site altogether.

Datatech UK are the best placed supplier to provide your business with IP solutions, because we already supply, install and maintain both data and telecommunications solutions, and have a highly experienced technical team that have already worked across the technologies for many years.

Because of our early involvement, we can demonstrate how Voice over IP works in a business environment, and what it can offer your business. We have a fully equipped, sophisticated demonstration suite that enables us to test, prove, trial and demonstrate an application ready for your particular organisation.

Then there are our in house lab facilities. These allow us to test and extend the solutions offered long before we specify or recommend, enabling us to work at the leading edge of the technology, whilst always ensuring that the IP solutions that we specify are not only robust and stable, but also ground breaking.

Our starting point would be to jointly review your existing infrastructure, and look at where you can implement IP solutions, using your current hardware investment, in order to minimise implementation costs.  This will enable you to maximise your return on investment, and rapidly get all the economies of an IP system working for your organisation.

For further information on our solutions, please call us on 01200 400 600 or send an email to

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